Vickers Vane Pump
V Series ສູບດຽວ
V Series-single pumps Model Instruction (F3-) 25V 19 A -1 A 22 R Note Series Displacement Port connections Shaft type Outlet Positions Design number Rotation No-marking:Petroleum series oil emulsification fluid water glycol-fluid phosphate ester fluid 20V 2.3. A-SAE A-SAE4- ປະຕູແປນ 1-Str key 151-Spline (ເບິ່ງຈາກຝາປິດທ້າຍປໍ້າ) ກົງກັນຂ້າມ inlet90° CCW ຈາກ inlet Inline ກັບ inlet 90°CW ຈາກ inlet 22 (ເບິ່ງ ຮູບແບບ shaft ທ້າຍຂອງ pump) ມືຊ້າຍສໍາລັບການ co... -
V Series Double Pump
V Series-Double Pumps Model Instruction (F3-) 352V 38 A 17 -1 AB 22 R Note Series Flow-Shaft end pump Port connection Flow-cover end pump Shaft type Outlet Positions Design number Rotation No-marking:Petroleum series oil emulsification fluid water glycol-fluid phosphate ester fluid 2520V 10,12,14,15,17,19,21,25 A-SAE A-SAE4-bolt flange 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11, 12, 14 1-tr key 151-Spline ເບິ່ງຂ້າງລຸ່ມນີ້ 22 (Viewes form shaft end of pump) ມືຂວາສໍາລັບເຂັມໂມງຊ້າຍມືສໍາລັບ ... -
VQ Series ສູບດຽວ
VQ Series single Pumps (F3-) 25VQ 19 A(F) -1 A 30 R Note Series Flow code Port connections Installation type shaft type Outlet Positions Design number Rotation No-marking Petroleum series oil emulsification fluid water glycol-fluid phosphate ester fluid 20VQ ( ເບິ່ງຈາກຝາປິດທ້າຍປ້ຳ) ຮູສຽບຂາເຂົ້າທາງກົງກັນຂ້າມ 90°CCW ຈາກທາງເຂົ້າ Inline ກັບ inlet 90°℃W ຈາກ... -
VQ Series Double Pump
VQ Series double Pumps Model Instruction (F3-) 352VQ 38 A 17 (F) -1 AB 20 R Note Series Flow-shaft end Pump connects Flow-cover end Pump Installation type shaft type Outlet Positions Design number Rotation No-marking Petroleum series ນໍ້າມັນ emulsification ນ້ໍາ glycol-fluid phosphate ester fluid 2520VQ 10,12,14,15,17,19,21,25 A-SAE A-SAE 4-bolt flange 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,14 No-marking Flange Mounting F-Foot Mountion 1-Str key 151-spline ເບິ່ງຂ້າງລຸ່ມນີ້ 20... -
V10 20 Series Vane Pump
V10、20 Series Vane Pumps Model Designation (F3-) V10 -P 7 S -1 C 20 -L Note Series Inlet Connection Displacement Outlet Connection Shaft Type Outlet positions Design number Rotation Direction Water-oil emulsons Water glyco fluid F3 phosphate ester fluid V10 P-1/2″NPT Thread S-0.750-16 Straight Thread, B-G1″Thread P-1/2″NPT Thread S-0.750-16Str.Thread B-G1/2″Thread 1-Key Straight Shaft 11-Spline Shaft 38-11teeth-3/4″ ນອກ shaft spline 62-... -
V Series Pump Cartridge
ຊຸດ ΦA BC ΦD E ΦF ΦG HKM (Gasket) M(O-Ring) 20V 82.55 81.5 70.1 47 61.5 4.8 76.2 7 73.6 82.76 × 76.26 × 3.5 . 2.2 71.2 4.8 90.5 7 88.19 97×91×3.5. ුຳເั ජຳີ 44×3.53 35V 114.3 117.7 105 72.2 90.3 6.4 108 8 103.94 114.5×108.5×3.5 63.09×3.53 45V 133.635 149.85 1085 10585 133557 14455 1545 5555 . 27 8 123.8 133.6×127.6×3.5 71×3.55 Series Inside spline tooth outline paramenter of rotor ຈຳນວນແຂ້ວ Pitch Pressure angle Major Diameter ຂະໜາດນ້ອຍ 20V 30 48/96 45° 16.61... -
VQ Series Pump Cartridge
Specifications Series ΦA BC ΦD E ΦF ΦG HKM(Gasket) M(O-Ring) 20VQ 82.55 81.5 70.1 47.2 61.5 4.8 76.2 7 73.8 82.76×75.26 ລ්. .8 87 52.2 71.2 4.8 90.5 7 88.19 97× 91× . ුຳເั ฒີ 3.5 44×3.53 35VQ 114.3 117.7 105 72.2 90.3 6.4 108 7 103.94 114.5×108.5×3.5 63.09×3.53 45VQ 1349.35 ລ්. 6.4 127 11 123.8 133.6×127.6×3.5 71×3.55 Series Inside spline tooth outline parameter ຂອງ rotor ຈໍານວນ. ແຂ້ວ Pitch Pressure angle ເສັ້ນຜ່າສູນກາງໃຫຍ່ ເສັ້ນຜ່າສູນກາງນ້ອຍ 2...